

The purpose of Mercuria’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reports are to enable us to communicate effectively and transparently with our stakeholders about our governance, our strategy and our achievements.

We are committed to maintaining constructive communication with our stakeholders, both external as well as with our employees around the globe.

Continued dialogue ensures that key issues are understood and addressed by all parties in a timely, and coordinated manner.

Marco Dunand


Daniel Jaeggi


Mercuria looks for opportunities to participate in industry initiatives, industry associations and working groups which aid communication and progress in our industry, as well as supporting published guidelines and initiatives wherever appropriate.

For this, our sixth annual CSR report we are following the approach adopted last year and splitting the report into two sections. First, is the longer timeframe description of the activities that we undertake using the 4 pillars of the WEF reporting framework – governance, planet, people and prosperity – and an overview of the Mercuria group. Second, we include data and analysis using the same framework, but specific to our activities in the 2023 calendar year in a standalone section called Progress in 2023.

As with previous years and in line with our internal commitment to reduce our consumption of paper we have created this user-friendly, dedicated CSR website to share this report with you.

We work hard to improve our data each year and are pleased with the progress we have made in a number of areas including our reporting and calculation of our group’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. In 2023, we have digitized our emissions reporting system, streamlining reporting procedures among our assets. This is aimed at providing more robust systems for our emissions reporting as we work towards achieving our net zero commitment by 2050.

As with previous CSR reports, we include emissions from Mercuria’s own operations as well as those of assets held at Mercuria Energy Group Holdings Ltd level based on equity share. We describe our basis of reporting in detail in this report. Supplementary information about our policies and activities is published on our website www.mercuria.com. We already offset all our Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Mercuria is committed to contributing to the transition to cleaner fuels and we are focused on this throughout our business. We have detailed in this report the internal targets we have set ourselves, and our progress against them.

Our diversified asset portfolio reflects the changing industry and its emerging energy resources which are presenting Mercuria with a huge opportunity to develop our business in a more sustainable manner.

We pride ourselves on setting high benchmarks and standards in relation to responsible trading. Throughout this report we are pleased to share with you how Mercuria sets and achieves these standards to maintain our market leading position in this regard.

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