community & social vitality
Mercuria remains dedicated to improving the welfare of our wider communities. We have successfully executed numerous social projects over the years, designed to meet our objectives of improving social support, quality of life, justice and gender equality, health, and education, for the communities we encounter through our business activities.
We recognise that we are in a position to make a difference to the lives of the people living in some of the areas where we operate. The projects we’ve been involved in around the world, help others to create sustainable improvements to their lives. We focus on efforts that result in long term benefits and that further our progress in line with the relevant SDGs.


Our support for the Alberta Children’s Hospital helps provide kids with the best family centered care possible right in our own community. The Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation inspires our community to invest in excellence in child health, research and family centered care.
Our support for the Alberta Cancer Foundation is making life better for Albertans facing cancer. By pushing the pace of progress that leads to faster diagnoses, ground-breaking research and leading edge treatments, ACF stands alongside every Albertan who hears those fateful words “you have cancer.

Founded in 1994, Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta (KCCF) supports children and families affected by childhood cancer. The charity operates in Calgary and has various programs: camp and family outreach.
Our support for the Dinosaur 5th Quarter Football Association is directed towards building Endowment funds for both Scholarships and Operating, along with providing annual operating funds as needed.

In order to make the government’s COVID-19 vaccine program a success and to encourage the public to vaccinate, Mercuria provided several attractive packages. Besides that, KEL also support COVID-19 volunteers on duty at COVID-19 check point regional borders.

Quality of life

Rosedale Hospice offers a life-affirming alternative to hospitalization or dying at home, focusing on quality of life.
Mercuria Works with Barefoot College in Senegal and was pleased to work with Barefoot College International on a project supporting solar electrification of households in Senegal. As a result of this exciting initiative already 3300 people in Senegal are now living with clean lighting. Barefoot College Senegal was recently launched in collaboration with the Government of Senegal and DP World.
This training center in Taubab Dialaw village in the Dakar region will train women living in non-electrified areas of Senegal to install and maintain autonomous solar systems, equipping future “solar mothers” to build businesses that will serve local communities, improve standards of living and help to combat poverty.

To support the local area access/road between villages, Mercuria participated in opening the road/access between the Manunggul Baru Village, Sungai Durian District to Rampa Manunggul Village, Sampanahan District. Mercuria provided the cost of renting heavy equipment (dozers) with fuel. With this donation, Mercuria is supporting the economic development of the region. Opening a road access from Manunggul Baru Village to Rampa Manunggul Village helps the surrounding community to carry out their daily activities and increase the economy growth in the two villages.
Mercuria has a role to play with the people of Manunggul Baru Village and Rampa Manunggul Village in particular and the people of Sungai Durian Subdistrict and Sampanahan Subdistrict.

Justice and gender equality

Our support for the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter is focused on ending family violence and abuse in the lives of women, children, youth and men. Taking a Stand Against Family Violence in the community since 1974, the agency has helped close to 230,000 Calgarians build safe lives and healthy relationships. They are on the front lines to provide hope and support to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

World of Art Brut Culture (WABC)
WABC was founded in 2010 as a non-profit organization providing the special needs population with free artistic development services. WABC focuses on using art as a form of understanding and communication to help people with special needs to better assimilate and integrate into our society. All efforts are aimed at reducing discrimination, rejection and exclusion, and any societal barriers against them.
Art is one of the most beautiful way to connect people. These “Children of the Stars” may not know how to express themselves in words, but through their paintings, we can “hear” their voices, “feel” their passion and desire and “experience” their innocence and beauty.
In 2021, Mercuria China joined hands with WABC to give our love to the “Children of the Stars”. The donation were used to provide free art-healing courses and social integration activities for the special needs population. Meanwhile, Mercuria China will also promote those children’s paintings to more loving people through different forms, so let us explore the beauty of the world with them.
May Everyone Live in a Wonderful World of Beauty and Love!

Mercuria has been pleased to sponsor the first violin of la Sinfonietta de Genève, a local non-professional chamber orchestra supported by the City of Geneva and founded by Benoît Willmann.
Since 2005, the Orchestra offers Master of Arts Music’s students a unique and original opportunity to take lead positions within the orchestra and gain first-hand experience.

MTQ competition in Sampanahan District
KEL donated to the Indonesian district of Sampanahan to take part in a Koranic recitation (MTQ) competition in Kotabaru Regency. This activity is routinely carried out every year, which is started from the village, sub-district, district, province and international levels. The company purpose in providing this donation is to help local governments, especially Sampanahan District in searching for the best qory, best tilawati and others which will be brought to the province level.
In addition, the donation is also expected to support the people who especially participate in the MTQ competition.

Qur’an Educational Park, Indonesia
Mercuria has supported the honorary teacher from the Kindergarten/Play group, Elementary, Junior high school and Vocational Schools to TPA (Qur’an Educational Park) in Sungai Durian District to give enthusiasm and motivation to improve the teaching and learning process.

The Magic of Christmas

Yei Yue – EIPIC Charity
In 2021, Mercuria Singapore participated in Fei Yue’s Toast to 30! Fundraiser. Fei Yue raised funds for EIPIC (Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children) and AAC (Active Ageing Centres) programmes to help beneficiaries including children with special needs from low-income families, and low-income seniors. As a corporate donor, we attended the Singapore premiere of The Ride ahead of its official release in Singapore.
Mercuria also donated care packs as part of the Fei Yue’s Toast to 30! “big bake-off” event. Fei Yue worked with its supporters and volunteers where various home bakers ran mini-campaigns, which our employees were able to donate towards 32 of the care packs, with home-baked goods delivered to beneficiaries such as low-income seniors living in rental flats.

Donations in Indonesia
Mercuria donated to the people of Banjar Regency who were being hit by a flood which occurred in early 2021 and that resulted in hundreds of houses being submerged in water.
Mercuria has contributed to donations for religious celebrations and traditional culture events as part of the company participation in supporting the diversity that exists in the community around the mine area. In addition, Mercuria supported the repair/construction of worship facilities such as churches and mosques.

Dubai Dragon Boat Paddle
As a local partner, Mercuria supports the Dubai Dragon Boat Paddle team. The team has been very successful winning a gold medal in mens and silver medal in the womens category at the Shangri-La Abu Dhabi Dragon Boat festival season in 2022.
The team also participated in the International Dragon Boat Federation’s Club Crew World Championships which brought around 3,000 athletes in more than 60 teams from around the world to Nathan Benderson Park in Sarasota, Florida, USA.
The Dubai Paddle Club participated with 25 members and entered 3 crews, Premier Mix, Premier Women and Senior Mix teams all in small boat (10 paddles – 5 women, 5 men). The team had very good, long and exhaustive preparations over the prior 12 months, with a clear view and goal of reaching the podium and medals.
Each of the crews had their success reaching finals in their disciplines. However, the Senior Mix crew qualified for the final on 200m and become 2nd in the world on 200m, missing 0.04 on the gold (one dragon head). Being able to compete with very high level teams the team felt immensely proud and more determined for future competitions.

Social support